One system, numerous options
Applications in which extended tools are necessary are a perfect case of operation for that system, i.e. engine housings, car dashboards, forging die tools and so on.
Also for multi spindle turning machines and automats this system is suitable very well, because only the head has to be changed.
Less set-up time
Change the head without additional presetting
Cost saving
Cost savings by keeping the shank – reuseable 50 times and more
Just replace the head – keep the shank
The heads can be reconditioned!
More flexibility due to less non-productive time
Your Advantages
Changing precision of the heads < 0,01
Accurate Radial concentricity
Optimal fields of application
Multiple spindles without tool changer
Flexible applications for moldmaker
Perfect for serial production
Cylindrical end mills
End mills with corner radius
Ball nose mills
Core drills
Tee-section mills
Tool shanks
Standard design
Special length and diameter
Special design:
- Internal screw thread
- External screw thread
- Special flats
- Morse taper etc.